Energy Choice Legislation Passes in Senate

HARRISBURG – Legislation ensuring that state residents have options when it comes to fuel availability was approved today by the Senate, according to Sen. Dan Laughlin (R-49).

Senate Bill 143, known as Energy Choice legislation, would prevent municipal entities from banning a specific type of fuel source for appliances and heating homes or businesses.

“I don’t believe the government has any place telling you how to live your life, especially when it’s something as simple as how you’d like to heat your home,” said Laughlin. “Erie County typically has pretty bad winters and I can tell you, from personal experience, when the power goes out, I’m still able to heat my home because it’s heated with natural gas. In some of those winter situations, my pipes would have frozen if I had not been able to heat my home.”

“Forcing people to only use electricity to heat their homes is also worse for the environment, as converting natural gas to electricity involves a 60% conversion loss that you don’t get when you directly heat with natural gas,” Laughlin added. “Eliminating energy choices will also further burden our electricity grid which is already stretched to the max.”

SB143 was developed as cities across the nation have already taken steps to ban fuels, such as natural gas and heating oil, in newly constructed buildings. The legislation is an important component of a sound energy policy for Pennsylvania that’s inclusive of all energy options residents may want or need to access.

This will allow Pennsylvanians to choose a reliable energy source that meets their needs. If municipalities enact a ban on any fuel type, a customer’s ability to choose a more affordable energy option becomes limited.

The bill now heads to the House of Representatives for consideration.

For more state-related news and information, constituents can visit Laughlin’s website at or follow him on Facebook and Twitter @senatorlaughlin.


Contact:  David Kozak   717-787-8927

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