Senator Laughlin to Serve on Six Senate Committees

State Senator Dan Laughlin, R-49th District, was today (January 20) appointed to serve on six important Senate Committees for the 2017-18 Legislative Session.

Senate President Pro Tempore Joe Scarnati appointed Senator Laughlin to serve as Vice Chairman of the Senate Aging & Youth Committee. Senator Scarnati also tabbed Senator Laughlin to serve on five other committees including: Banking & Insurance, Education, Game & Fisheries, Labor & Industry, and Urban Affairs & Housing.

“These are excellent committee assignments for a freshman state senator, especially since they will consider legislation that has a direct bearing on several aspects of the quality life in our local community, ” Senator Laughlin said. “I will have the opportunity to work on a wide variety of issues that impact the Erie School District and the City of Erie. This will be a learning process and I look forward to working with my colleagues to help make Erie County and the Commonwealth better places to live and do business.”

Contact:          Matt Azeles       

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